One of
the few advantages of becoming a senior citizen in the State of
Arkansas, and perhaps other states as well, is that achieving that
status allows one to take classes free of charge at any one of several
state universities. The beauty of that privilege is that one can take
classes in any discipline just for the pure pleasure of learning.
Additionally, there is the option to audit classes and be free from
taking tests, writing research papers and making oral reports. In my
case I chose to audit classes in the Art History tract, as I had become
interested in art several years ago but knew nothing about what I was
looking at when visiting galleries and museums. Having completed both
Art History Survey I and II, my enlightenment continued this past
semester in Greek Art & Myth.
As is the case in
all levels of education, the teacher is key, and in my experiences at
the University of Arkansas at Little Rock I have been blessed to have
been taught by highly qualified professors who all welcomed the presence
of an old guy taking up space in their classrooms. But in the back of
my mind I knew that studying about mythological Greek gods that dated
back to 700 BCE was going to require a very special person to make it
interesting and stimulating. Luckily, I struck gold in the person of Dr.
Jane H. Brown, Ph.D who not only possessed a wealth of information on
this complex subject but had that unique gift to impart that knowledge
to our class in a logical and understandable way as to hold one’s
complete attention. In addition to the required textbooks on the
subject, Dr. Brown provided an extensive collection of written outlines,
graphics and documents in support of her lectures. And, finally, there
were the oral presentations by the true undergraduates in my class, two
of which will be referenced later. In fact I was so impressed with my
entire experience I decided to write about it. However, the challenge
for me was to sift through that mountain of information on a very
complicated subject and extract just enough key points to construct a
summary interesting enough for others to read.
One of
the first things you need to know is that these gods and goddesses were
no ordinary deity. Instead, they were created by Greek mortals in their
own human image as opposed to the other way around as told in the
Genesis creation story. As such, they often times would go back and
forth between their divine image and their human form, or in some
instances the form of some animal if it served their purpose . In fact
Nietsche referred to them as “all too human” and a religion where “gods
justify human life by living it”. However, true mortals were encouraged
never to compete with these gods because as humans they could never win,
and the gods were capable of doing some pretty nasty things even if
they did. Also, one never knew if someone in the human form was a true
god or goddess, so the message to mortals was to be wary of strangers
coming to your door. Consequently, it is no surprise that Greek
mythology is filled with examples of all the same hubris, emotions and
frailties that humans experience including but not limited to love,
lust, sex, deceit, betrayal, incest, murder, torture, mutilation, rape,
treachery and hunger for power. To better understand how this worked,
there are three stories I would like to briefly summarize as
illustrations of these powers.
“The Judgement of
Paris” - Unlike other periods of history, very little was codified about
Greek mythology in book form, but Homer’s epic poems the “Iliad” and
the “Odyssey” about the famous Trojan War and its aftermath are the best
known. Not only do they describe the events before, during and after
that conflict, they introduce us to some principal Greek gods (e.g.
Zeus, Athena, Hera and Poseidon who supported the Greeks; Aphrodite,
Apollo and Artemis who supported Troy), as well as some other major
players involved (e.g. Achilles, Agamemnon, Menelaos, Ajax and Odysseus,
Calchas and Nestor for the Greeks; Hector and his cousins and brother,
Paris and Priam for Troy). In short, this is a tale of love, jealousy
and betrayal brought about by an argument between three vain goddesses
Hera, Athena and Aphrodite over who was the fairest among them and
deserved to receive the golden apple offered by Eris, the goddess of
Discord, as a confirmation of that title. Since Zeus knew better than to
make that choice himself because it would create such resentment from
the two losers, he instructed Hermes, the messenger god, to take all
three of them to the Trojan prince Paris to make the selection. After
being offered bribes by all three contenders, Paris chooses Aphrodite
who had promised him possession of the most beautiful woman in the world
as her bribe. Aphrodite then designates Helen just that, the most
beautiful woman in the world. Naturally, Paris is smitten and ultimately
selects Helen, a passive participant in all of this, to take back to
Troy. The problem is, she is already married to Menelaos, so Aphrodite
has to further persuade Helen to go with Paris. She is successful in
this effort, even though Euripides contends in his tragedy “Helen” that
she may never have actually gone to Troy but, rather, stopped in Egypt
intead. Regardless, Menelaos is going to exact revenge for the taking of
his wife and gathers up an army to bring her back, and the rest is
history so they say.
While there may be other slightly
different versions of this story, which is one of the real nuances of
Greek mythology, we are compelled to rely on the existence of artifacts
from that period to give us a better explanation of what really
happened. In that regard there exists a multitude of art forms including
wall paintings, vases, sculpture and coins, not to mention songs, plays
and poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey that tell the story of not
only the Trojan War but of other historical happenings. The trick is to
accurately interpret those artifacts into meaningful messages. Besides
Dr. Brown, others have done that for us, one being Susan Woodford in her
book “The Trojan War in Ancient Art”, which is an easy to read account
of many Greek myths which are displayed on a variety of items. Examples
of two of the best known artifacts from this Archaic period are the
Francois Vase circa 570BCE because it depicts so many different myths
important too Greek mythology (to see click here )
and Dinos by Sophilos circa 580-570BCE because of its vivid and
detailed portrayal of the prominent wedding procession of Peleus and
Thetis (to see click here
). Just as interesting to me, though, is the identity of the artisans
who created these fabulous works of art and who or what inspired them.
Sadly, very little is known on this subject, but it is thought that many
may have relied on muses, as well the same stories, plays and songs of
the time to fulfill that purpose.
The two other
examples of these deities behaving at their worst were given in oral
reports by the talented fellow classmates mentioned earlier. The first
was entitled “Aphrodite: Friend or Foe” by Catherine McGibbony, and the
other was entitled “Contest between Apollo and Marsyas” by Adrian
Quintanar. Both graciously granted me permission to quote from my class
notes on their respective presentations in my own words with some added
commentary. Hopefully, these are fair representations of what they said.
Friend or Foe” - While this daughter of Zeus and Dione, one of his six
wives, was commonly known as the goddess of love, sexuality and beauty,
she had another persona of being selfish, deceitful, manipulative and
vindictive. In the words of Edith Hamilton in her 1940 book “MYTHOLOGY”,
she “used her power chiefly to ensnare and betray”. Perhaps her bad
attitude was a result of the origins of her birth based on the vengeful
act of castration of her lover, Adonis. Regardless, we already know the
havoc she reeked on Troy by persuading Helen to go there with Paris. If
that were not enough she then goes and has sex with a mortal being,
Anchises, who she warned not to boast about the liaison. But he did and
paid the price of being struck by a thunderbolt from Zeus. And, finally,
she plays a role in trying to get Phaedra to seduce a celibate
Hippolytus who refuses her advances and they both die as a result. The
lesson to be learned about Aphrodite is that even though she had many
lovers, both gods and mortals, she is a much different version from
Linda in Woody Allen’s “Mighty Aphrodite” and is not to be messed with,
as she always destroys those who oppose her.
Between Apollo and Marsyas” - As noted above, mortals were advised never
to compete with the gods because even if they won the contest, the
losing god would exact his revenge. This story is a prime example of
that admonition. One of Apollo’s identities, besides being the son of
Zeus, was that of being the patron god of music and poetry which
included the lyre. This happened to be an instrument that Marsyas
claimed he could play better than Apollo, with the loser of the
competition paying a price to be determined by the winner. However the
contest came about, Marsyas was declared the winner of the first round
in which his talent was judged to be basically equal to that of
Appolo’s. However, in order to give himself a competitive advantage in
the second round, Apollo played his flute turned upside down, a feat
Marsyas could not begin to match. As agreed to in advance, Apollo could
do whatever he wanted to with Marsysas, so he had him tied to a tree and
splayed alive, thus reinforcing the lesson for mortals to stay away
from these gods.
So, what have I gleaned from my
experience with Greek Art and Myth? First, in addition to the vast array
of spectacular art, sculpture and architecture that the ancient Greeks
gave us, there are countless contributions they made to creating a more
civilized society through language, philosophy (which deserves its own
discussion), democracy, the Hippocratic Oath and the Olympic Games to
name just a few. Even though none of these were mentioned here in the
interest of time and space, they definitely should not be forgotten,
particularly the Oracle on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi that advances
the concept of moderation and self-restraint summed up simply as “know
thyself”. Second, if gods and goddesses are formed in the same image as
human beings with all of our flaws and imperfections, there are
potentially very severe consequences in dealing with them. So, beware!
And, finally, the author of Ecclesiastes, thought to have been the
wisest of all biblical kings, King Solomon, may have had it right when
he wrote “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done
again; there is nothing new under the sun”, because much of what
transpired 2,700 years ago between those gods and goddesses, as well as
their interactions with mortals, is no different than what we read or
hear about today. Then the question is, why do these myths matter?
Jeanette Winterson got the answer to that very question during her
interview with Bill Moyers on his PBS series “On Faith and Reason” first
broadcast on July 7, 2006. In essence Mr. Moyers contended they matter
because being familiar with these ancient myths help perpetuate great
stories relating to both good and evil, as well as rationalizing these
two extremes. In other words we should learn from history or be doomed
to it, which seems to have been our pattern over these centuries.
Accordingly, it is mankind’s challenge to ACTUALLY LEARN from these
ancient myths and maybe fool old King Solomon after all. With that said,
I now look forward to exploring the City of Florence pre-Renaissance
with Dr. Brown this semester, soak up a little bit more culture and
further enrich my soul in the process.
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