
Welcome to this blog which is dedicated to providing a forum for a civil discourse on a variety of issues to try and make our society a truly better place for all. While the views expressed are strictly my personal opinions, please feel free to join in on these conversations accepting the premises that every attempt will be made to ensure that nothing but the truth be spoken and the truth be heard.

Friday, June 8, 2012

"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" - Sometimes

No doubt we are all familiar with Clare Boothe Luce's famous quote "No good deed goes unpunished" which is often used to describe good and noble acts or service which sometimes result in unintended negative consequences for the persons committing these acts or rendering those services.  When that happens, it makes one wonder why even try to do good, as it tends to suck all positive energy from one's soul.  But as I resume this blog after a three month hiatus, I am happy to report that good deeds do not always get punished.  Just on an institutional level there are numerous charitable organizations which constantly do wonderful things that make a huge and measurable impact on people's lives and well-being.  However, the one in which I have recently become involved and would like to promote is Habitat for Humanity, and more specifically Habitat for Humanity of Pulaski County.

For those who may not know, Habitat for Humanity is an international nonprofit with over 2,000 affiliates world wide which "seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action".  Founded in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has built more than 150,000 houses in over 3,000 communities around the world, providing 750,000 people with "safe, decent and affordable shelter".  The cost of these dwellings range from a low of a few thousand dollars to an average of $53,309 in the United States which is achieved often times by donated material but always with volunteer, cost free labor.  However, these are not give away houses.  Each house is sold to qualified low income family with a non-interest bearing 30-year mortgage loan who is expected to contribute some of their own sweat equity into the project.

On a local basis, since 1987 Habitat for Humanity of Pulaski County has provided more than 100 families with affordable housing, and looks to expand that performance in the future by engaging other organizations (e.g. churches, businesses, civic groups and foundations) and individuals to partner with them by contributing either money or time through active volunteerism.  In addition we also have two area retail stores offering a wide selection of donated items at very reasonable prices, one at 2657 Pike Avenue in North Little Rock and a newer one at 6700 South University in Little Rock which will be celebrating a Grand Opening next Thursday, June 14th starting at 11:00am.  In fact one of the main purposes of this blog is to extend to you all the following cordial invitation to attend this Grand Opening:

And, finally, there is so much more you can learn about this wonderful organization that does many good deeds every day that go unpunished at http://www.habitatpulaski.org/ , so please go look and see for yourself.  I think you will be greatly rewarded by that experience.

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