As has been noted in this blog before, events trump intentions, and the recent tragedy in Arizona just begs to be addressed on so many fronts that it immediately jumps to the front of the line. Once again a deranged young man with easy access to a lethal weapon, allowed to be carried with little or no restriction, snuffs out the life of six individuals including a nine year old child who shared her birthday with that ghastly date of recent infamy, September 11, 2001. So who do we blame this time? Genes? Society? Childhood environment? A wild wild west mentality? Lack of effective gun control? Immigration policy? General anger in America? Absence of security? Or hostile political rhetoric that literally "targets" members of the opposition, and references using "bullets rather than ballots" as a means to deal with those with whom they disagree?
In fact the one lone survivor who is now the focus of our national attention and concern, Representative "Gabby" Gifford, herself commented last spring during the heated health care debate about those in the opposition who literally placed her, among others, in their cross-hairs by stating such words do "have serious consequences". This same warning was amplified by former President Bill Clinton in his address before the Center for American Progress Action Fund on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing when he stated "....words we use really do matter because there's this vast echo chamber and they go across space and they fall on the serious and delirious alike; they fall on the connected and unhinged alike". How prophetic in both instances.
Who actually knows what the true cause of this latest heinous act was, but more and more those in law enforcement and elective office are starting to talk about reining in the vitriolic language now present in our public discourse. The national news media began that open conversation yesterday on all the major talking head shows and it continues on most networks even today. However, as our own legislature commences its session this month with a reported list of highly charged legislative bills which I understand will include an "open carry" bill that would allow a permitted gun owner to carry a firearm wherever he or she pleases gives me great pause. If correct, this would offer an excellent opportunity for Arkansas to do the courageous thing, set a high standard for the nation to follow and say enough is enough by stopping this onerous piece of legislation before it even gets to the floor for a vote. That would at least be a start in doing what it will take.
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Monday, January 10, 2011
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